Maya Safi is a young ALBA graduate. Her passions include her field of study along with the art of cooking and all its flavors ! As a designer, Maya’s expression comes through a minimalistic approach. Naturally, she has always been inclined to be very observant and intent. Classifying as a versatile and dynamic visionary, as well a nurturer to learn the undiscovered elements about who she is as a designer, a professional, and a human being. The notion of bringing tradition back to life in a renovated and practical whim is the basis of her aesthetic, this insinuates highlighting the necessity of the Lebanese culinary arts by creating products for the vast domain of food. In terms of product design, Maya was always amazed with the idea of working on smaller scale productions. Maya plans to continue her educational journey in Milan at NABA, for a master in product design and therefore delve into a deeper formulation of what her artistic composition as a designer is.